What We Offer

Registration of EOS that Apply and is Approved to Provide Environmental Impact Assessment Service Indonesia verse [Amdal] 2023

Environmental Impact Assessment Service 

Registration of EOS that Apply and is Approved to Provide Environmental Impact Assessment Service Indonesia verse [Amdal] 2023

Certification and Achievements Registration of EOS that Apply and is Approved to Provide Environmental Impact Assessment Service Indonesia verse [Amdal] 2023 Surat-Registrasi-LPJP-AMDAL-PT-EOS-CONSULTANTSDOWNLOAD

Amdal Service Provider 

Amdal Service Provider Agency [Lembaga Penyedia Jasa Amdal] Sertifikat-LPJP-AMDAL-EOSC-s.d.-Apr-22DOWNLOAD

Competence of Environmental Audit

Competence of Environmental Audit Service Providers [Kompetensi Lembaga Penyedia Jasa Audit Lingkungan Hidup] Registrasi-LPJ-Audit-Lingkungan-Hidup-EOSCDOWNLOAD

Appreciation Letter

47.-Appreciation-Letter-Provision-of-UKL-UPL-Services-PT.-EOS-CONSULTANTS-1DOWNLOAD Edit”Certification and Achievements”