
EOS Consultants was established as a pt company in 2003, previously was acknowledged as Institute of Natural & Regional Resources (INRR, a research institute that was developed in 1998 in Institut Pertanian Bogor/IPB) EOS Consultant is aimed at implementing the sustainable development to achieve ultimate goals in natural resources development in Indonesia.

To maintain its continuous historical relationship with IPB, INRR remains which a new branding is known as EOS Consultants.
This Website provides information on EOS Consultants, which include all legal formalities and services provided.

EOS is very concerned about business ethics in its various activities. CSR or Corporate Social Responsibility becomes an important part of EOS institutions to participate in paying attention to the surrounding environment. The surrounding environment includes the Social, Economic, and Environmental conditions that are affected by environmental management in a particular business unit.

The company was founded in a social environment because it was not only seen in terms of profits but also in its social actions and concerns. Companies that do not have business ethics and social responsibility may be profitable in the short term but in the long run, will harm the company itself. Therefore business ethics and corporate social responsibility are now an important issue in the business world.