Integration of Hazardous Waste Storage Rintek [Technical Detail] into Environmental Approval

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Based on circulars from the Directorate of PLB3 and Non B3 Number S.112 and the Directorate of PDLUK Number S.1806 it was stated that a valid TPS Permit can be declared as an LB3 Storage Rintek document when the Company wants to carry out the process of integrating LB3 Storage Rintek into the Environmental Approval.

However, some information that was heard from PSLB3 and PTSP KLHK, it is better if the Company continues to prepare the LB3 Storage Rintek document in accordance with the format circulated by the Directorate of PLB3 and Non-B3. Whether the TPS permit is still active or has expired.

Why? Because several hazardous waste TPS permits were previously still under regional authority, sometimes only one TPS permit document was issued, the points explained were not detailed according to the format.

Therefore, it is better for companies that want to carry out the process of integrating PLB3 Rintek into environmental approvals through PTSP KLHK online. In order to compile documents according to the attached format.



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