About Us

EOS Consultants was established as a pt company in 2003, previously Institute of Natural & Regional Resources (INRR, a Research Institute established in 1998 at Institute Pertanian Bogor IPB) to help implementing the sustainable development concepts in natural resources development in Indonesia. This document provides the information on EOS Consultants which include all legal formalities and services provided.

Core Values & Beliefs

The fundamental, inviolable Values and Beliefs of EOS Consultants are:

GREAT SERVICES. Every service which we introduce must be a unique contribution to the society, not one that is introduced just for financial purposes. Therefore, it must be innovative, high quality and the unquestioned best in the category.

GREAT CLIENT SERVICE. Our service standards are the highest standards which human could provide. We should treat our clients as our best friends.

GOLDEN RULE. We should treat those with whom we have dealings as ourselves would like to be treated.

TEAMWORK. No individual should be indispensable. Think WE, not I.

BEST EFFORT. Each person should do the best for each task undertaken.

INTEGRITY. We are honest. We honor our commitments. We are consistent and fair. We are always faithful.


EOS Consultants aspires to be a great service company. We aim to be the best and most respected company in natural resources management by 2025.


To Develop competent, skilled and high integrity human resources in developing environmental and natural resources management

To provide and develop excellent and high integrity work and business operation systems.

To develop mutualistic cooperation with stakeholders in promoting the establishment of sustainable environmental and natural resources management.


EOS Consultants exists to achieve excellence in natural resources management with the spirit of fairness, sustainability, and democracy.


President DirectorDr. Imam Soeseno
Contact Person [Direct]

Nunik Avianti Heranita
Position: Director
E-mail: nah@eos.co.id
Phone : +62 (0)251-8334253 ext 101
Deed of Establishment

Notary Name: Ernie, SH
Ref. No 13 Date May 29, 2003
Approval from Justice Minister
Ref. No.: C-00822 HT.01.01.TH.2004
Date January 13, 2004
Amendment Deed
Notary Name: Ulia Azhar, SH. M.Kn
Ref. No. : 01 Date April 01, 2020
Approval from Law and Human Right Minister Ref. No.: AHU-AH.01.03-0171231  
Date: April 01, 2020