Carbon dioxide will have to be removed from air to achieve 1.5C, says report

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Offset markets have important role as switching to renewable energy alone not enough, according to thinktank

Adair Turner
Adair Turner, chair of the Energy Transitions Commission thinktank, says carbon offset markets should not be shunned because of earlier mismanagement. Photograph: Bloomberg/Getty Images

Fiona Harvey environment correspondentWed 9 Mar 2022 06.00 GMT

Removing carbon dioxide from the air will now be essential if there is to be any chance of meeting global climate targets, a thinktank has warned.

Carbon offset markets will need to be tidied up and managed properly, as offsets will form a critical route to limiting global heating to 1.5C in line with scientific warnings, according to the Energy Transitions Commission, as switching to renewable energy alone will not produce enough carbon savings. Other methods, such as tree planting and carbon capture and storage, will also be critical.We’re committed to keeping our quality reporting open. By registering and providing us with insight into your preferences, you’re helping us to engage with you more deeply, and that allows us to keep our journalism free for all. You’ll always be able to control your own privacy settings.Register for freeI’ll do it later

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